Yesterday I made these two super biscuits Baileys, one to take to daycare that Lola and the course ends and the other to drive him to Miquel work that Saturday is his birthday.
To leave me bent so great quantities of the ingredients in each cake, but I leave the amounts below are necessary so that you fit into a normal mold.
Ingredients - 375 gr of flour
- 250 g butter (I I always use margarine)
- 250 g sugar
- 200 ml of Baileys
- 4 eggs
- 1 sachet baking powder
- a teaspoon of salt
First we have to mix the butter and sugar, but this butter should be soft. The few seconds you can heat in the microwave but you get to melt completely.
To mix ingredients shall be well done with rods, but if you can have no struggled with a large spoon, no problem.
When the butter and sugar are well mixed into a kind of yellow cream, we will add the eggs one by one and we will stir each time.
Now mix the flour, baking powder and salt and we will incorporate little by little, stirring the mass. It is important to do well to avoid lumps and is the sponge cake.
When we have well blended, add the Baileys and stir well.
grease a baking sheet with plenty of butter so it does not hit us, we pour the mixture and put it in the second oven slot (counting from bottom to top) preheated to 180 º. Bake approximately 50 to 60 minutes, the time depends on the oven.
Over time, we take it out and leave without unmold about 10 minutes. I can decorate icing sugar sprinkled over when completely cold.
First we have to mix the butter and sugar 3 minutes vel.3., But this butter should be soft. The few seconds you can heat in the microwave but you get to melt completely.
When the butter and sugar are well mixed into a kind of yellow cream, the machine will vel. 3 but with no time and we will add the eggs one by one by the member.
weigh the flour, baking powder and mix with salt, we put the Thermomix in vel. 3, and gradually we will be incorporating the vocal. It is important to do well to avoid lumps and is the sponge cake.
When we have well blended, add the Baileys and return to remove all of a couple of minutes to vel. 3. If you are not well mixed can raise the speed to 4. Greased
pan with plenty of butter so it does not hit us, we pour the mixture and put it in the second slot of the oven (counting from bottom to top) preheated to 180 º. Bake approximately 50 to 60 minutes, the time depends on the oven.
Over time, we take it out and leave without unmold about 10 minutes. I can decorate icing sugar sprinkled over when completely cold.
Remember, I folded the quantities of the ingredients for my cakes come out bigger. Bending the quantities, we must also to have more time in the oven.
This is what I took to the teachers of the nursery Lola.
And the other is the one that took Mike to work.
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