found the recipe on this blog , and later in other blogs in English found other versions, all very similar.
is a very popular sweet snack, a street food typically found in autumn and winter .... a riiiicoooo, sweet, and really easy to make at home.
The wheat flour dough, which can be mixed with rice flour, filled with a mixture of brown sugar, honey, ground or chopped peanuts (or nuts) and cinnamon.
Are easily made in a pan, round and round and round, and ready ^ _ ^
I definitely think I have something to breads made in the pan, attract me, I seem quick to make, and practical:) Here you can find others like it and that other .
I invite you to know the famous Korean hotteok , when I have tested.
ps I believe that with this dough, the filling may vary at will, and maybe I'll try them salty with some cheese ... hotteok will not, but hey, we can be creative:))
Happy weekend!
mass Ingredients:
for 18 pancakes (I've made only 13 of 50 grs. C / u)
350 grs. wheat flour (normal) (You can also use bread flour. will change the texture of the dough, and will be a matter of taste)
60 g. rice flour (if no substitute for wheat flour)
4 g.
instant dry yeast 10 g.
100 g. sugar
warm water 225 g.
milk 5 g.
160 g.
brown sugar 75 g. ground peanuts or shredded (can substitute for nuts)
3 g.
50 g ground cinnamon
We prepare the filling, after having weighed the mass.
Mix all dry ingredients, and the pre-roasted and ground peanuts, then add honey. With a spoon mix well.
Development of mass:
2. Add remaining ingredients and knead well until dough is elastic and shiny look.
3. Place in a greased bowl and let stand until doubled in size. Approx. 1 ½ hours in summer and winter probably 3 hours at room temperature. (I've let stand in refrigerator about 8 hours of the night to early morning, to make them for breakfast).
4. Divide dough into 50 g portions. approx. (Go approx. 13 rolls), bowling and stand approx. 15 minutes.
5. Take each serving, smash on the table with his hand, take the dough in your hand. Place a spoonful of the mixture in the center and proceed to close the edges well.
6. Place each ball on the table fills, and proceed to do the same with all the dough.
7. Heat a frying pan which will spread a little oil (you can do with a napkin, we'll be going through the pan every time we go to cook a new piece, I pan you can make three or four at a time.)
8. Place each ball in the pan (two or at most four), and hand crushing a little. Then flip them and with any tool, trowel, spoon, etc (I used the tool to make mashed potatoes wrapped in Foil:) flattens each ball until it is thin pancake.
9. Simmer on each side until golden brown. When you are ready to inflate a bit and see chubby. After the download them from fire, deflate.
10. Consume warm:))
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