I used my sourdough malt extract to 80% hydration, but you can use white or wholemeal sourdough you have available with other types of hydration, just remember to adjust the amount of water.
The recipe is from my classes, modified to my liking. The addition of herbs to the masses is something worth experiencing. Today I have added some Italian herbs, and disappeared in a flash .... Divine to accompany any food, or just to make mini sandwiches with cheese, smoked salmon, or simply spread with butter, olive oil, or so by themselves are delicious.
are slightly crispy outside and soft crumb with proper chewy texture of sourdough breads. Be encouraged to try
I wish you a happy weekend!
Makes 12 rolls of 50 grs.
145 grs. bread flour (approximately 13% protein) 145
flour 17 grs.
4 g sugar.
salt 116 grs. sourdough (80% hydration, the mm should be bubbly and active)
2 grs. instant dry yeast
170 grs. water (depending on the strength of your flour, you may need a little less)
15 grs.
olive oil 2 oz. dried basil (about 1 tablespoon and a half, you can also use a mixture of Italian herbs)
1. Mix all the ingredients except the dried herbs, until dough is smooth and elastic. Incorporate dried herbs, and knead until well blended. Let stand 60 minutes at room temperature (ideally around 21 to 24 C).
2. Portion of 50 grs. , To bowl, cover and let stand 60 minutes.
3. Formed: We carefully each ball (do not want to abuse you for not getting the air) and with the handle of a wooden spoon or a stick Chinese press in half, then gently join both parties have been separated, and pinch both ends of pancito to seal it, this is done with both hands at the same time, the photo comes out one side because I had the camera on the other hand: D.
4. Place in the tray where it will bake. Spray a little water. Cover or put in a place where there are no currents to avoid drying out the crust. Let rise for 30 minutes approx.
5. Before baking sprinkle a little flour.
6. Carry a preheated oven at 200 C for 16 minutes with steam during the first few minutes for a crisp crust.
With a little oil Olive are excellent!! ^ _ ^
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